Knox County Population: 36,594
New Cases: 53
Active Cases: 317 [0.86%] (as of 01/05/2022)
Total Cases: 8,163 [22.30%]
Currently Hospitalized: 16 [5.04%] (as of 01/05/2022)
Total Deaths: 123 [1.50%]
Total Recovered: 7,528 [92.22%] (as of 01/05/2022)
Total Tested: 23,892
Fully Vaccinated: 17,228 [47.07%]
COVID-19 Related Information:
Testing: http://coronavirus.in.gov/2524.htm
Vaccine: http://coronavirus.in.gov/vaccine
Public Resources: http://coronavirus.in.gov/2400.htm
Information obtained from ISDH COVID Dashboard and Tim Salters.